Navigating the Front Lines: Key Strategies and Basics in Emergency Medicine
Fellowship in Emergency Medicine is one of the most sort after course all around the world. The reason for that is it guides and improves a healthcare professional approach to the undifferentiated patient in the emergency department. The first question the we generally ask the patient when we see them in ED is are they sick or not sick. If the patient is sick, we need to act quickly in order to get the situation under control and stabilize them by starting the basic and calling for help if you are a junior doctor, so you know you have a senior to make sure nothing goes wrong. Also, we have to prioritize sick patients over not sick ones, clearly the ones have a life-threatening condition has to be cared first. So, a fellowship course in Emergency Medicine helps us on how to rapidly assess the patient so we can get to the core reason why or what’s causing it and we have to simultaneously stabilize the patient at same time we are diagnosing and treating them, so that they start to fee...